Friday, April 23, 2010

How Much Space Do We Need to Live & Work?

I spent the 40th anniversary of Earth Day working from a six-foot by six-foot "artists studio" in midtown Manhattan. You can see shots of it at the opening of this video about green home technology products.

While I was able to do all my work with ease using a MacBook Pro and Blackberry, including posting stories, taking video and images, it made me also think about how much space we need to live comfortably and to house the history of our families. That's part of the mission of the artist Simon Draper who started this project called "Habitat for Artists" -- to encourage us to think about being creative with our consumption of materials and use of energy and land.

For instance, I got rid of my formal dining room years ago and turned it into part of the kitchen - now I actually eat in the space. Before, I just spent time dusting it.